Application Exercise

  1. Open Rstudio Server Pro
  2. Create a new project
  3. Click File > New File > R Markdown
  4. Delete everything except for
title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
  1. Give your work a sensible title
  2. When you’ve finished, upload the .html file to Canvas

\[pop = \beta_0 + \beta_1age + \beta_2age^2 + \beta_3age^3 +\beta_4age^4+ \epsilon\]

Using the information below, write out the equation to predict the change in population from a change in age from the 25th percentile (24.5) to a 75th percentile (73.5).

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 1672.0854 64.5606 25.8995 0.0000
age -10.6429 9.2268 -1.1535 0.2516
I(age^2) -1.1427 0.3857 -2.9627 0.0039
I(age^3) 0.0216 0.0059 3.6498 0.0004
I(age^4) -0.0001 0.0000 -3.6540 0.0004